
Alpha Course

The world doesn’t often allow opportunities or safe environments where no question is off limits. Like questions about life, about God, or even ourselves. A place that you can explore spirituality and faith at a rate you decide. Thats why we created Alpha so that you, your friends, and your family can engage in some of the most important conversations we can have in our lives. Or you can just sit back and listen. 

At Alpha, everyone shares a meal together, watches a great video focused on an important question of faith, and spends time talking about the video in a small group.

Alpha is a place where you can honestly grapple with life’s big questions… Is there a God? What is the meaning of life? Is there more to life than this? There’s no pressure, you can just listen or you can dive into conversation, and any genuine question is welcome. What’s more, Alpha is completely free to attend.

Over 30 million people have attended an Alpha Course globally. The course is running in over 100 countries, has been translated into 112 different languages, & is running in nearly every major church denomination.

The Alpha Course meets weekly for 10 weeks starting September 10, 2024, but it’s ok if you can’t attend them all, just come as often as you can. We hope you can join us! Childcare is provided.

To attend, just click the above link, fill out the short form, and then click submit. We’ll plan on welcoming you!

Download the Questions of Life Booklet and the Searching Issues Booklet for freeClick here to download.

Alpha Course Videos

Adult Alpha 01: Is There More To Life Than This?

Youth Alpha 01: Life: Is This It?

Adult Alpha 02: Who is Jesus?

Youth Alpha 02: Jesus:Who Is He?

Adult Alpha 03: Why Did Jesus Die?

Youth Alpha 03: Cross: Why Did Jesus Die?

Adult Alpha 04: How Can I Have Faith?

Youth Alpha 04: Faith:How Can I Have Faith?

Adult Alpha 05: Why and How Do I Pray?

Adult Alpha 06: Why and How Should I Read the Bible?

Adult Alpha 07: How Does God Guide Us?

Adult Alpha 08: Who Is The Holy Spirit?

Adult Alpha 09: What Does The Holy Spirit Do?

Adult Alpha 10: How Can I Be Filled With The Holy Spirit?

Adult Alpha 11: How Can I Make The Most of the Rest of My Life?

Adult Alpha 12: How Can I Resist Evil?

Adult Alpha 13: Why and How Should I Tell Others?

Adult Alpha 14: Does God Heal Today?

Adult Alpha 15: What About the Church